Saturday, March 28, 2009

Gaza (2009)

Gaza (2008) Oil on canvas, 42 x 30 inches
I am a city dweller. I often feel my environment is too gray. Too noisy.

I live on a busy street, cornered by businesses. Every morning, I wake to a dump truck emptying large garbage bins. As rush hour arrives, the din slowly builds. Engines rev, car alarms blare, and the streets groan beneath the weight of life. These are the sounds of the city. The sounds of the 21st century, a world overridden with people and machines.
Inside the house, the noise isn’t much less. The house is an old brick row home from the 1860s. People marvel at the details, but due to a lack of any insulation, the house is an echo chamber. Each footstep resounds through the halls. Each sniffle. Each cough. Each prance of eight large doggie paws. Doors slam. Electronics buzz. Voices waft through paper-thin walls. It never ends, this noisy urban existence.  To compensate, I escape in color.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Major Inspiration in my Life

photo of Blanche Rose Naclerio, my grandmother, with her sculpture